Change agent with a 30 year trackrecord of promoting sustainability and diversity. As a pioneer in SDG benchmarking I set up the Access to Seeds Index, which evolved into the World Benchmarking Alliance
Speaker Bio & Photo
Canada Agri-Food Webinar April 16, 2020
IFA Global Stewardship Conference, New York February 5, 2020
WBA Farmer Roundtable, Kathmandu, Nepal November 8, 2019
Borlaug Dialogue, Des Moines October 16, 2019
Everson Global Seed Symposium, Ames, Iowa October 15, 2019
Seed World 2019, Bangalore, India September 19, 2019
Seed Connect, Abudja, Nigeria April 16, 2019
World Seed Congress, Nice, France June 4, 2019
FAO Rome October 3, 2018
Borlaug Dialogue 2017, Des Moines October 17, 2017
FAO Council, 154th Session Side Event June 3, 2016
IFPRI Policy Seminar, Washington DC April 28, 2016
38th session of the FAO Ministers Conference June 18, 2013